Thursday, October 6, 2011

Help! I am Drowning in a Sea of Papers, Projects, Books, and More!

Below is a link to a voice thread I created about the lack of organization I have in my classroom.  I have been struggling with keeping my room clean and organized for years. I am so tired of not being able to find anything when I need to. Please take a look at the images I have captured of the disaster area that is my classroom. If you have any suggestions for me on how I can solve this problem please feel free to share your comments on the voice thread!

Miss Constantine's Lack of Organization Voice Thread


  1. Wow! You need storage space ASAP! You may have some file cabinets or book shelves already but you need some more. You also need to come up with some sort of organizational system AND STICK WITH IT. The problem with organization is not clean up, it's staying organized. You are going to organize your stuff and then learn to keep it that way on a daily basis.

  2. Purge... think about everything you have in those 2 file cabinets and decide if you need to keep it all within the classroom or if it can be moved to the circular file...Throw out anything old and broken, don't save it thinking one day you might re-purpose it in a class room project.

    In my house, clear plastic bins and magazine holders (probably from walmart or ikea) are life savers, they hold anything and everything and come in all sizes... tiny to huge.

    As for the teaching table with all the books? Do your kids sign the books out? Seems like they should be old enough to be responsible for their own mess.

    Lastly, make it fun. Organize the classroom with a friend or two (I'm offering as long as I'm free) after school or on a weekend. Gather ideas from you friends on solutions and go shopping together to pick out the things you need. Then spend a few hours organizing... at least it will be a start. Then challenge yourself to do a little every day- like you would in your house- to keep it organized and clean.
